When using Property Nodes, it’s important to understand that properties are accessed in a sequential order from top to bottom, as defined in your code. This sequencing can sometimes consolidate the need for separate property nodes. However, this consolidation isn’t as common when working with native LabVIEW elements like graphs because you can’t insert a function between a read and a sequential write.

Nevertheless, this sequencing becomes notably advantageous when interfacing with remote devices such as cameras. Cameras often update their state based on property changes, allowing you to retrieve the altered state through consecutive property reads. For instance, consider a scenario where a camera adjusts its acquisition frame rate in response to a change in the desired sensor integration time.

In the code snippet that follows, I illustrate this behavior using my webcam. Unfortunately, my webcam maintains a constant 30 fps framerate, but the code reflects the concept. PropertyNodeExecutionOrder PropertyNodeExecutionOrderFP